Industrial Barcode scanner DPM code


How Barcode Scanners Work

Different barcode scanners are also called barcode readers, barcode scanners, barcode scanners, barcode scanners and barcode scanners according to customary names. .Commonly used in libraries, hospitals, bookstores and supermarkets, as an input method for quick registration or settlement, it can directly read the barcode information on the outer packaging of goods or printed matter, and input it into the online system.


1. The barcode scanner is a device used to read the information contained in the barcode. The structure of the barcode scanner is usually the following parts: light source, receiving device, photoelectric conversion components, decoding circuit, computer interface.


2. The basic working principle of the barcode scanner is: The light emitted by the light source is irradiated on the barcode symbol through the optical system, and the reflected light is imaged on the photoelectric converter through the optical system to generate an electrical signal, and the signal is amplified by the circuit. An analog voltage is generated, which is proportional to the light reflected on the barcode symbol, and then filtered and shaped to form a square wave signal corresponding to the analog signal, which is interpreted by the decoder as a digital signal that can be directly accepted by the computer.


3. Ordinary barcode scanners usually use the following three technologies: light pen, CCD, and laser. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages, and no scanner can have advantages in all aspects.

Post time: May-27-2022